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Palaeontographica Canadiana

Palaeontographica Canadiana is a monograph series co-sponsored by the Paleontology Division and the Canadian Society of Petroluem Gelogists. It publishes major contributions to Canadian palaeontology and is principally systematic in content.

If you are interested in publishing a monograph for Palaeontographic Canadiana, please contact editor Sofie Gouwy for full instructions.

Issues can be ordered through the GAC Bookstore.

Recent Issues


Silurian and Devonian Heterostraci (Vertebrata) of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago

R. Thorsteinsson and D.K. Elliot



Diverse Late Paleozoic & Triassic conodont faunas from the Cache Creek Terrane, central British Columbia, Canada

M.L. Golding and M.J. Orchard



Devonian cystiphyllid rugose corals from western Canada and eastern Australia

R.A. McLean



Discounts for GAC PD members 

GAC Members receive a 45% discount on all GAC publications, as well as savings on online subscriptions to the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, and Environmental Reviews.

Paleo Scene

Paleo Scene, Geoscience Canada Reprint Series 7, is a volume edited by Godfrey Nowlan, and produced by the Geological Association of Canada and its Paleontology Division. This book explores the diverse applications of paleontology in earth sciences and presents an overview of the paleontological scene.

It is a valuable compendium of papers that will be useful for those needing to know more about paleontological principles and applications. The book contains a series of articles on paleontology that originally appeared in Geoscience Canada.

The articles were written for the non-specialist with an emphasis on useful illustrations and practical examples. It is eminently suitable as a supporting text for paleontology courses and has been produced in an inexpensive format to make it readily accessible to students of earth sciences.

Issues can be ordered through the GAC Bookstore.


A Series of Papers on Paleontology Reprinted from Geosciences Canada

Edited by Godfrey S. Nowlan


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